أ. ناصر أبو صاع



'Mr. Naser Abu Sa

College of Humanities

The Language Center


Technology opens new horizons. The use of MOODLE is one of them. Now, I can administer all exams online, prepare listening tasks that help learners improve their listening comprehension skills. The feedback examinees get as soon as they finish their tasks or online exams helped them become independent learners. Consequently, the extra time and effort technology has saved for me, I use as a boost to improve and develop the course. For instance, run forums and group discussions, prepare videos, update exams bank, and catch up with latest techniques of delivering presentations, holding meetings, finding a job, understanding written business communication, job interview basics, the most frequently asked questions, giving directions and instructions, experiencing intercultural situations, … etc.


I’m happy with what I have designed and accomplished so far. There’s a proverb that goes on as: “If you want a thing well-done, do it yourself.” Computer technology will definitely help you do so.