Ever wanted to discover Palestine ?
Discover Palestine is the first English language online course, covering Palestinian history, archaeology, culture and heritage. Discover Palestine aims to provide hundreds of people around the world with the chance to explore Palestine, remotely and at their own pace through varied and innovative online learning methods. From its strategic position in the heart of the ancient world, Palestine has a rich cultural heritage, beautiful landscape and diverse cuisine. Palestine has lots to offer besides its many ancient sites, churches and mosques. Every place has a story to tell and Discover Palestine endeavours to help people uncover Palestine’s stories.
Learn through interaction
Discover Palestine is a free conversational Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) which offers not only online learning, but also gives participants a forum to find, exchange, and share knowledge and information with like-minded individuals. A weekly online live session will be available for real-time exchange and collaboration.
About the course
Discover Palestine is a free nine-week course, guiding learners through a variety of topics about Palestine in the English language. The course is designed to encourage independent learning and participants will be able to study a different topic each week followed by interactive activities, debates and research opportunities. It is open to all, and forms part of An-Najah’s philosophy to promote and encourage knowledge of Palestine to a wide audience. Using An-Najah’s online platform, Moodle managed by the E-learning Center at An-Najah and designed by leading experts in design and multimedia, Discover Palestine will expand learning far beyond the traditional academic walls of the institution.
Participants will have access to a multitude of online resources, including video documentaries, testimonies, references, charts and tables, encouraging an unbiased point of view on Palestine.
Get Certified!
Participants’ progress will be evaluated by the facilitators based on their interaction and work. Upon successful completion, participants will be awarded certificates.
Registration is now open:
An-Najah National University E-learning Center Tel : 00970-9-2345113 ext. 4232
Email: [email protected]