First Day:
Openning Session Video:
Openning Words:
Prof. Rami Hamdallah
Vice-Chairman of An-Najah University's Board of Trustees
The session:
To see the full speech .. Click HereMr. Hani Naser
General Director of Islamic-Arabic Bank
The session:
Mr. Maen Melhem
Paltel CEO
The session:
Prof. Daniel Burgos
Vice-Rector for International Research at Universidad International de La Rioja (UNIR, Spain)
The session:
Dr. Refaat Sabah
President of the Global Campaign for Education
The session:
Dr. Basri Saleh
Deputy Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
The session:
Mr. Ibrahim Ramadan
Governor of Nablus City
The session:
Research Papers:
Inclusive collaborative online international pedagogies Online conversations on digital higher education
Prof. Katherine Wimpenny
The session:
Utilization of online learning technologies: Lessons learned from the pandemic
Dr. Mayson Ibrahim
The session:
To see the paper ... Click HerePillars of innovation in educative technologies in Palestine: A case study of TESLA capacity-building project on VR initiative in HEI sector—impact and aftermath
Mr. Fayiz Abdelhafid (Istiqlal University) and Dr. Mahmoud Hawamdeh (Al-Quds Open University)
The session:
To see the paper ... Click HereThe Role of the educational Palestinian channel in enhancing the learning process in Qalqilia directorate of education: Teachers and school principals’ perspective
Ms. Suha Shukri Swidan (Ministry of Education) and Dr. Kefah Barham (ANNU)
The session:
To see the paper ... Click HereA new vision for the future of education in Palestine post-COVID-19: Scenarios to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
Mr. Marwan Bakeer and Ms. Suha Zeyadah (Ministry of Education)
The session:
To see the paper ... Click HereEmployment of MS Teams in UNRWA schools in Hebron: Challenges and future vision
Dr. Zekrayat AlTurshan and Mr. Tawfiq Matar (UNRWA)
To see the paper ... Click Here
Digital literacy in Palestinian public schools: The Influence of gamification-based learning
Ms. Kefaya Sabbah (ANNU& MOE) and Dr. Yousef Sabbah (Al-Quds Open University)
The session:
To see the paper ... Click HereProtecting the virtual class and guaranteeing the right underlined in the Sustainable Development Goals to a high-quality education
Dr. Nour Adas and Dr. Ghasan Khalid (ANNU)
The session:
To see the paper ... Click Here
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on school and learning in extremely vulnerable areas of Jerusalem
Dr. Muath Asmar (ANNU)
The session:
To see the paper ... Click HereThe role of online education on developing education skills during COVID-19: High secondary school students
Ms. Ruba Abdel Dayem (Ministry of Education)
The session:
To see the paper ... Click HereUtilizing augmented reality in education
Ms. Taroub Saad (Al-Quds Open University)
The session:
To see the paper ... Click Here
Research Papers:
Building Back Better: Learning and teaching in the COVID-19 pandemic
Prof. John Traxler
The session:
Exploring venture capitalists’ appraisal of entrepreneurial human capital: A novel empirical approach to designing a playbook for start-ups’ success with particular reference to the MENA region
Dr. Samah Abu Oun
The session:
To see the paper ... Click HereThe experience of Law and Sharia faculties with e-learning
Dr. Jamal Kelani, Dr. Naem Salameh, Dr. Saida Affouneh, Dr. Soheil salha and Eng. Arij Abu Obaid (ANNU)
The session:
Adapting the GOSHEH model to create open education resources based on Roger’s innovation
Ms. Duaa Ghosheh (ANNU)
The session:
To see the paper ... Click HereTeachers' perspectives towards using online teaching in the north of Palestine
Dr. Samyah Deek and Geries Nasri Hazbon (Al-Quds University)
The session:
To see the paper ... Click HereA Holistic approach for e-learning in Palestine
Dr. Mohammed Tamimi (Palestine Polytechnic University
The session:
To see the paper ... Click Here
Strategies of positive thinking and motivation among technology and math teachers
Dr. Ghanem Yousef Ikhlayel (National Institute for educational training) and Julnar AlSous (Directorate of Education-Yatta)
The session:
To see the paper ... Click HereThe reality of using blended learning in chemical computations in grade 11 from teachers perspectives
Ms. Mariam Salman & Ms. Ashjan Jaber( MOE)
The session:
To see the paper ... Click HereEffectiveness of a program of PECS-based exchange photos in developing life-skills
Ms. Abeer Al-Akhdar (Directorate of Education)
To see the paper ... Click Here
Technology integration in EFL classrooms: Effects and challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic
Ms. Laila Dawoud and Mr. Islam Ismail (University of Malaya, Malaysia)
To see the paper ... Click Here
Problems Facing EFL Learners in Palestine during the pandemic: Teachers' perspectives
Dr. Enas Abuhamda (Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia)
The session:
To see the paper ... Click HereStudents’ negotiation session: NGate entrepreneurs
Dr. Mona Demaide
The session:
Future youth perceptions session
Dr. Maen Shtewi and Ms. Amal Soufan
The session:
Research Papers:
Manhajiyat for contemporary education
Dr. Rola Koubeissy
The session:
Towards an inclusive future education-the evolution of sustainability models for Open Educational Resources
Prof. Ahmed Tlili
Blended learning in the new normal
Prof. Badrul Huda Khan
The session:
Digital learning and quality of education
Ms. Amneh Zeid AlKilany (Directorate of Education-Jenin)
The session:
To see the paper ... Click HereFuture of education in a post-COVID-19 era
Ms. Safia Tartir (ANNU)
The session:
To see the paper ... Click HereWhy don't students turn their webcams on during online classes?
Dr. Soheil Salha, Dr. Saida Affouneh (ANNU), Prof. Ahmad Tlili (Beijing Normal University), and Dr. Khalid Saifudin (Technical University of Denmark)
To see the paper ... Click Here
Using educational video to enhance creative thinking among eighth-grade students
Mr. Salah Sherabi and Dr. Abdel Al Ghani Al saifi (ANNU)
The session:
To see the paper ... Click Here“Why do we learn?” Children’s perceptions and future insights
Ms. Razan Mukhemar et al. (ANNU)
The session:
To see the paper ... Click Here
Online education role in enhancing education democratism: undergraduate students’ perspectives
Dr. Hiba Sleem and Dr. Yaman Musleh (ANNU)
The session:
To see the paper ... Click Here
Palestinian University experiences of emergency remote learning during COVID-19 in light of the INEE Minimum Standards
Dr. Kefah Barham (ANNU)
To see the paper ... Click Here
Nearpod application for future online learning
Dr. Ahmad Almuhamed (Damascus University)
To see the paper ... Click HereThe relationship between social-emotional learning and knowledge presence in virtual classes
Ms. Fahimah Bnt Hamed and Prof. Saed bin Suliman AlDefree (Sultan Qabos University)
To see the paper ... Click HereEffectiveness of using QR in developing mathematical concepts
Prof. Abdel Kareem FerajAllah (Alaqsa University) and Dr. Hanan Almadhoun (UNRWA) and Dr. Muhannad AlTaban (Alaqsa University)
To see the paper ... Click HereTeachers’ requirements for digital transformation
Eng. Asma Abu Mosa (MoE)
To see the paper ... Click HereMeasuring gamification influence on students’ academic behavior: The case of a BME elective course
Dr. Sarolta Tóvölgyi and Mr. Renátó Raduka and Mr. Ibrahim Hamza (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary)
To see the paper ... Click HereThe impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on pre-school education from the pre-school teachers' perspectives
Dr. Sohail Salha and Ms. Reem Jawabreh (ANNU)
To see the paper ... Click HereE-learning future in faculty of educational sciences at ANNU
Dr. Roqayah Arar (ANNU)
To see the paper ... Click HereSecond Day:
Workshops list:
Digital transformation in academic program assessment in HEIs
Dr. Yousef Sabbah (AlQuds Open University)
The session:
Defining and evaluating the quality of teaching in Danish computer science departments’ large classes
Dr. Khalid Saifudin (Technical University of Denmark)
The session:
Wyblo Demo
Mr. Kevin Giorgis
The session:
Blended learning design: New normal
Mr. Zuheir Khlaif (An Najah National University)
The session: