On Thursday 17 April An-Najah National University, Paltel (Palestinian Communication Group) in cooperation with the Partners for Sustainable Development (PSD) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to launch the initiative “From University to Work”. This Programme aims at improving the competencies and skills possessed by graduates of Engineering and Information Technology to fit with the needs of the labour market and maintain relationships between the University and community institutions.



Prof. Natsheh expressed his thanks and appreciation for Paltel’s constant support to the alumni and development of education. He referred to the projects undertaken in cooperation with Paltel, such as, supporting An-Najah Hospital and developing educational content. He stated that there will be a comprehensively integrated plan to enhance the educational content further in the future.


Mr Abu Awn, CEO of PSD, explained that PSD is seeking to raise the level of awareness inthe concept of e-learning, integrating the skills needed inthe twenty-first century into education in schools.



Mr Lahham, Director of Public Relations at Paltel, said:

“We, in Paltel Group, are keen to support and develop education in Palestine. Students’ professional skills should keep up with the technological advancements. We have set partnerships with different educational institutions and organised programmes that are rewarding to students and alumni”.


Mr Lahham further stated Paltel’s commitment and societal responsibility to contribute to providing jobs opportunities for University alumni. He acknowledged their role in reducing the rate of unemployment, by supporting initiatives that bridge the gap between the needs of thelabourmarket and Palestinian graduates. He added that the continuous evolution in the field of information technology and communications engineering makes it imperative for universities to develop educational content to fit with these rapid changes and current requirements for the labour market improving the local economy.




The MoU was signed by Prof. Maher Natsheh; Acting President of An-Najah; Mr Jawad Abu Awn, CEO of PSD; Mr Emad Lahham, Director of Public Relations at Paltel; Dr Sa’eda Affouneh, Director of e-Learning; and in the presence of a number of faculty deans.


PSD was established 5 years ago. It is a non-profit organisation working in the field of education and sustainable development, and its most prominent project is NETKEYTABI*.



*NETKETABi, meaning “My Netbook” in Arabic, is a multi-dimensional educational solution that aims to build the competencies of Palestinian youth.

TKETABI is a Project implemented through Partners for Sustainable Development (PSD). PSD, established in 2009, is a local Palestinian NGO that aims to achieve sustainable community development by improving and building the capacities and skills of young people and women in Palestine.




عدد القراءات: 44